All About Crowns

There are times when Dr. Feucht will recommend that you get a “crown” as part of your dental care. A crown (also called a “cap”) is a man-made cover that protects the top of a tooth. Crowns may be used to restore and preserve decayed, broken or cracked teeth, as well as to correct some cosmetic tooth problems.

Crowns can be made of gold, other metals, porcelain, resin or porcelain/metal. Gold and other metal crowns are the strongest and esthetically are a better choice for back teeth. Tooth-colored porcelain or resin crowns come in a range of tooth shades to blend with your other teeth. Porcelain fused onto metal is stronger than porcelain alone, but not as strong as a gold/metal crown.

Dr. Feucht may recommend a crown as the solution if you have:

  • A decayed or damaged tooth that needs to be restored to its normal shape and size
  • A cracked or broken tooth with large cavities or worn fillings
  • A poor-fitting existing crown
  • A tooth that has a large opening on its top surface after root canal surgery
  • A cosmetic tooth problem
  • A bite problem

The procedure for getting a crown can involve two or three visits, with two to three weeks between appointments. The first step is to prepare the tooth for the crown. Dr. Feucht numbs the tooth with a local anesthetic; he then reduces and shapes the tooth, removing any decay in the process. If a large part of the tooth is missing, the tooth might need some rebuilding.

A mold is then made of the prepared tooth and the surrounding teeth, and a temporary crown is applied to protect the prepared tooth until your next visit. The mold is sent to a lab where the permanent crown is created. While you are waiting for your next appointment, you will want to go easy on the temporary crown by avoiding hard or sticky foods, brushing gently around the temporary crown, and flossing carefully by pulling the floss out from the side of the tooth, not the top.

When the permanent crown is ready, Dr. Feucht will remove the temporary crown, place the new crown on your tooth, and make sure your bite feels normal with the new crown. When the fit seems right, he will cement the permanent crown in place.

When it comes to local dentists, Dr. Gary Feucht is “the best friend your teeth will ever have.” If you are trying to find a dentist in Plymouth, Cantonor Northville who utilizes the latest dental techniques and technology, be sure to check out Dr. Gary Feucht at and give us a call at (734) 459-7110.

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